When your day is filled with clouds

Even when the sky is filled with clouds, the sun is still out and shining, you just can’t see it.  I remind myself of this when I am struggling to find the good in a day.  The truth is that nothing living can survive without rain, so even if we don’t like the clouds, we cannotContinue reading “When your day is filled with clouds”

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What you seek you will find

What you seek you will find – If you are looking for problems you will find them.  If you are looking for positives you will find them. I see every day the instant impact that positivity or negativity has on individual and collective outcomes and trajectory.  I frequently coach my students to frame goals asContinue reading “What you seek you will find”

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nnoun mass noun The ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience or following injury. The idea that our minds are not just set, unchangeable, static, makes so much feel possible.  I have grown up in a world that encourages us to believe that talents and abilitiesContinue reading “Neuroplasticity”

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Running on Empty?

I read a blog post from the minister at the church I attend and what he wrote really resonated with me. We are at a time of year in the academic calendar when energy is low and demands are high. I can see it written all over everyone’s face: in the slow dragging of feet,Continue reading “Running on Empty?”

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Graduating with Gratitude

Yesterday was our convocation at Huron.  I spent the day watching our lovely students with faces bright and full of pride parade around in their black gowns.  As I stood at the back of the room witnessing the closure of their years of study, I wondered what was running through their minds.  Do they feelContinue reading “Graduating with Gratitude”

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